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Johansen & Anderson Inc Blog

Considering a Boiler? Here’s What You Need to Know

It’s quite cold here in Orland Park now. We know that you’ve swapped out all your lighter outwear for those heavier layers, switched your coffee order from iced to hot, and you might have even started decorating your home for the holidays. This is a fun time of year, but the one thing that can really put a damper on this season is a poor heater in your home.

If you’re thinking of switching over from a forced-air heating system to a boiler system, you can trust us for your HVAC service in Orland Park, IL. We have a full team of professionals who are serious about the work that they perform. Make sure you come to our professionals when you need work that counts.

The Benefits of a Boiler System

Wondering why you should choose a boiler system for your home? Here are a few reasons why you should consider installing one of these systems:

Better Indoor Air Quality

The problem with a forced air heating system is that it can really decrease your home’s indoor air quality. Forced air heating systems utilize your home’s central networks of ducts and over time, your ducts can accumulate dust and debris that irritates your sinuses or exacerbates other respiratory problems that you might have. Boilers help you sidestep all these problems because they’re a radiant heating system—meaning that they radiate heat from coils set in your home.

A Higher Degree of Comfort

The average homeowner knows what a forced-air heating system feels like: warm air blowing over your body. While this type of comfort can feel great, many people often prefer a boiler system. A boiler feels more like the heat of the summer sun shining down on you. This type of comfort is a step above a furnace, heat pump, or ductless system. If you’re curious about this type of heat, you can contact the professionals on our team.

A Long-Lasting System

The average forced-air heating system can last about 10–15 years. While this is a pretty great lifespan, a boiler can last up to 30 years. Boilers are able to last a lot longer than other heating systems because they have a lower number of moving mechanical parts.

These systems might cost a little more for you to purchase, but it’s definitely a worthwhile investment. Make sure that you schedule an appointment with our professionals when you’re interested in these systems.

Why Professional Service Matters

Boilers are one of those systems that require professional care no matter how you slice it. Boiler systems are a little bit different than most forced air heating systems, so you need a heating technician with the right expertise. All our heating technicians are NATE-certified and experienced with all your boiler system needs. Do yourself a favor by hiring the professionals on our team. We’re the ones who are going to do your heating system justice.

Contact Johansen & Anderson Inc today to schedule an appointment with our team members. Call J&A today. Sleep tight tonight!

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