Johansen & Anderson Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Noises’

Guess That AC Problem! What the Noises You’re Hearing Mean

Monday, June 17th, 2019

Woman-covering-her-ears-from-loud-noiseSummer is here in Orland Park! We’re sure that you’ve turned on your air conditioner at least once by now. If you’re having trouble with the quality of your air conditioner in your home it’s time to contact our team. There are a few big warning signs that you need air conditioning repair and one of the clear warning signs is loud air conditioning sounds.

You should never be able to describe your air conditioner as “noisy.” At most, you should hear the whooshing sound of air moving through the vents and the whirring noise of the fans interrupted with the whir of the compressor. If you need great air conditioning repair in Orland Park , IL you can contact our team today for service.

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